VIP Bulletins for 4/25/2024

Total Pages : 4 Current Page : 1 Total number of records : 16

VIP Glossary | Abbreviations
Time Message
5:11:02 PM  Due to the delayed SB train P631, expect P631X to depart MET 10-15' late.
5:09:22 PM  Expect NB train P638 to depart the MIC 10-20' late due to equipment swaps.
5:03:17 PM  NB train P634 is on the move, 13' late arriving to HOL due to waiting on the delayed P634X shuttle connection and additional passenger delays.
4:31:14 PM  NB train P634X is 10' late departing MCS.
4:27:41 PM  SB train P631 is on the move, 10' late arriving to POM.

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